Friday, January 9, 2015

Week 5- 1/5-1/9

Ezell, B. (2014, July 10). Should Film Music Stand Alone? Retrieved January 8, 2015, from


The opinions of many composers and film scorers are presented in this article, and their argument of the idea that a film score is not synonymous with a symphony. There is a whole informal debate going on as to whether or not film scores can stand alone separate from the film. The author's opinion is that film scores can stand separately from the film. Obviously there are exceptions and film scores that are better and more relevant than others, but the idea still stands that it can stand alone. The label "film music" is necessary, but comes with assumptions. Critics such as Stosuy have said that some film scores stays perfectly within the lines of the film, and therefore cannot stand alone. 


"Movie music is functional, it sets action that goes on in the screen, when I work with film directors I seek to make a good movie with them, not a good score independent of the movie."

"Film music necessarily must bolster the cinema it accompanies, but its identity is not entirely bound to that purpose; its function need not limit the form it takes."

"Of course, the music would have likely never been were it not for the specific visual images that Mansell got inspired by in creating the score."


Music is music. Whether it's specifically "film music" or some other genre, any form of music can stand alone. Although film music is made and composed for a specific set of visuals, separated from the film it can be just as beautiful. With instrumental music, the context isn't always prevalent. There is a certain aura and theme to the music, but it can easily be interpreted differently by different people. Especially if someone wants to listen to the film score without seeing the film, the music is left up to the listener to decide what he/she thinks of it. There are some film scores that might not be considered beautiful music by itself such as the film score for "Psycho," or even "Pirates of the Caribbean." However, music is very subjective and therefore it is hard to leave it up to the critics to decide what film music can and cannot be separated from the actual film.

1 comment:

  1. Any form of music, whether it is a score or a theme song, is able to stand on its own. Although, scores such as the imperial march will always be inferred to as "The one form Star Wars", it can still stand on its own. There may be visuals relating the Star Wars in ones mind when listening but it may sound just as intricate knowing other uses for it. I love the piece and agree that music is never just "film music".
